Dance Consignment Board
Due to popular demand, we now have a place to display dance items you wish to sell or dance items you may need.
As of Monday, January 31st, you will find a bulletin board on the wall of the studio next to the dressing room.
In order to keep this new adventure effective, please review the following guidelines:
1. Please only post items using a 3x5 index card
One item per index card
Include you name and contact information (phone number/email address)
Brief description of the item (including size, color)
Date of posting
Price you desire (if selling)
2. All postings must be removed when the item is sold, your need is fulfilled or after 90 days from date of posting. You may repost if needed.
3. Be courteous and do not post your card over someone else's cards.
4. If the board becomes full, we will look at purchasing another board.
* Please note, this is a parent drives process. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email Lakeisha at or Kim at