We will have the Company contracts ready to sign in the next few days. Sorry for the delay.
Reminders, please rehearse your dances that you are learning on a weekly basis. We can move on so much quicker with choreography if you know the choreography that we learned the week before. Also, rule number 7 in your contracts is that you must know every detail to a dance to be able to compete it this year. This rule will be strictly enforced. It is so much easier to work on small parts every week and build rather than waiting until the entire dance is choreographed to decide it's time to learn your dance. We love you all very very much but feel that it is important and only fair to the dancers who use their proper technique and work and know their dances. Please understand the importance and try to understand why this rule is important. Parents, please feel free to video the choreography at the end of class times so that your student can rehearse during the week. Again, we love you all and this is not personal but feel that it should be the desire of everyone involved to do the best possible due to the money and time involved in competitive dance.
Please email us if you have any questions at all. Thanks to you all!